Crown and Crozier

Putting Faith Before Politics and Being a Catholic, Pro-Life Democrat ~ Dan Lipinski

Season 4 Episode 12

Depending on who you ask, former Congressman Dan Lipinski is something of a rare specimen, endangered species - or perhaps even a white martyr.

He represented the 3rd congressional district of Illinois in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2005 to 2021.

Among his claims to fame is maintaining both his Democratic Party affiliation and a staunchly pro-life voting record, even in the midst of his party leadership adopting permissive and militant policy positions in favour of abortion.

This courage played a huge role in the party establishment and activists mobilizing to defeat him in the Democratic primary for his House seat in early 2020, and thus close the curtain on his service in elected office.

In this episode, we talk with Congressman Lipinski about what it’s like being the last pro-life man standing in a political party; the role of faith in public life; the state of U.S. politics and the 2024 election campaign; evangelizing the culture and restoring its capacity to love; and what insights Pope Leo XIII may have for us in the current political moment.

Congressman Lipinski holds a Ph.D in political science.  He serves as Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and Pope Leo XIII Fellow on Social Thought at the University of Dallas.  He’s also the President of his own consulting firm, Lipinski Solutions.

Resources (official website)


Daniel Lipinski, “Be Catholic First”, First Things (November 2022)

Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianea / On Christians as Citizens (January 1890)

Please note that this podcast has been edited for length and clarity.