Crown and Crozier

Debating Integralism, Part 1: The Church Should Not Direct the State ~ Kevin Vallier

Season 4 Episode 2

If you’re a regular consumer of Catholic and Christian media, there’s a good chance that you’ve come across the term “integralism."

“Integralism” refers to the school of thought which says that the Church can direct the State to adopt policies which advance the ends of the Church and help enforce Church law.

Sounds wild, doesn’t it?

And yet, if you look more closely, there’s actually a lengthy record of Church teaching tilting in the direction of what integralists assert.

Integralism engages fundamental questions about what it means to be subject to Christ’s kingship and to the legitimate authority of the State.  So it’s little wonder that the topic is capable of igniting spirited views on either side.

This episode is the first installment in a two-part series planned by Crown and Crozier, in which our objective is to give integralism a fair hearing.

Our guest is Dr. Kevin Vallier, who recently authored a detailed critique of integralism entitled All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to Liberalism.

Dr. Vallier has written several books on political philosophy and currently serves as Associate Professor at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, where he also directs the university’s program in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law.


Kevin Vallier (official website)

Kevin Vallier, All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to Liberalism

Thomas Pink, In Defence of Catholic Integralism, Public Discourse (August 12, 2018)

Kevin Vallier, What is integralism? (The Liberal Tortoise - Substack blog)

The Josias (integralist blog)

Pope Paul VI, Declaration on Religious Freedom: Dignitatis Humanae (December 7, 1965)

Please note that this podcast has been edited for length and clarity.