Crown and Crozier

Keeping the Faith and Running for President ~ Rick Santorum

Season 4 Episode 3

With the 2024 U.S. presidential election campaign heating up, we’re delighted to bring you an episode featuring the wisdom and experience of someone who’s endured the grueling ups and downs that come with life on the campaign trail.

Our guest is Rick Santorum, who twice contested the race for the highest executive office in the United States - first in 2012 and then in 2016.

Prior to his presidential runs, he served in the U.S. Congress for 16 years - the first four in the House of Representatives, followed by two six-year terms in the Senate, representing the State of Pennsylvania.

A devout Catholic, devoted husband, and father of 7 kids, Rick was a stalwart pro-life champion during his time in office, with his signature accomplishments including helping to shepherd a ban on partial birth abortion into law.

In our conversation with Rick, we talk about the 2024 election cycle, what he makes of the current crop of presidential candidates, his own experience on the hustings, the surprising absence of authentic solidarity among Catholics on Capitol Hill, ensuring our faith guides our politics rather than the other way around, and the need for happy, hopeful warriors in the public square.


Rick Santorum (biography)


Please note that this podcast has been edited for length and clarity.